Passion is our motivation

Facel Vega at the HTW

Dipl.-Ing. Roland Kayser teaches the history of the automotive industry and automotive technology for four hours on Wednesday afternoons at the HTW in Berlin. After the first two hours of lectures, there is a long break in the laboratory of the Department of Automotive Engineering, where a different vintage car is shown to the students. The historical background of the vehicle in its environment at the time, its significance for automotive history, its technical design and, last but not least, the students can sit in the car, listen to the engine running and maybe even take a drive around the campus with Mr. Kayser.

In the summer semester of 2010, Mr. Kayser was able to take a 1958 Facel Vega FV 4 with him to the HTW for a lecture. The rare French supercar with a 5.8 liter V8 engine, 280 hp, breathtaking design, exquisite finish and opulent engine noise caused a stir across the campus. The car was delivered in Manhattan in New York City in 1958, ended up in a Dutch museum at some point, was restored there, then sold to a Russian oligarch in Moscow who had the technology repaired at Atelier Automobile in Berlin, then offered for sale again a few years later at Classic Remise Berlin and finally sold to the current owner from Berlin. He has the car regularly serviced and technically refined by us.

Link to HTW Berlin:

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