Passion is our motivation

Three examples of cooperation with HTW Berlin

One semester project had the task of creating a 3D dataset of the missing rear side windows for one of three Volvo 760 convertibles produced. These windows are made of safety glass and are curved. This means that a conventional glazier cannot produce them. Thanks to the students’ newly created 3D dataset, it is possible to produce these windows. Although an auto glass factory normally only does something like this for large quantities, it is at least doable. It is almost like producing a window for a prototype for the auto industry and you can certainly imagine that these windows were not exactly cheap. But the customer was ultimately helped and the students had the opportunity to think about their future development work!

A thesis examined the topic of sustainability in environmental protection and compared two statistical drivers who both bought a new Citroën DS in 1972. One still uses the car as an everyday car today and has had it restored twice in the meantime. Another bought a new car every 12 years (that’s how long the average car stays on German roads). The total environmental impact was compared, including use of the vehicles, manufacture of the vehicles, maintenance and waste, as well as the manufacture of the necessary materials. Everyone thought that the classic car would do much better here, but the result was a neck and neck race and the result could have been different for other types of vehicle. However, it also became clear that a classic car with a retrofitted catalytic converter would be by far the best solution for the environment. So get rid of the old “stinkers”!

In a current bachelor’s thesis, a student is creating criteria to quantify the degree of originality of classic cars. We think it’s a shame that there are only condition grades for classic cars, but these say nothing about their originality. This is precisely the aim of this work. After completing the work, a classic car could be rated by giving it a condition grade and an originality grade. Fully rebuilt, i.e. restored, vehicles would receive a good condition grade, but a less good grade for originality. Rare, well-preserved original vehicles would receive a good grade for originality, but possibly a less good grade for condition.

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Hinweis: Betriebsausflug am 14.01.2025

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden,

am Dienstag, den 14. Januar 2025, befindet sich das Team des Ateliers Automobile ab 14 Uhr auf einem Betriebsausflug. Aus diesem Grund bleibt unsere Werkstatt nachmittags geschlossen.

Ab Mittwoch, den 15. Januar 2025, sind wir wie gewohnt wieder für Sie da. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!

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